Avita Home Health & Hospice is a non-profit organization providing home health services under the direction of the patient’s physician and tailored to the individual’s needs. Patients of all ages are able to experience the warmth of family and friends while receiving care for their injury or illness.

Along with Home Health, Hospice, and Palliative Care, we also offer:

Wound Care

Understanding Wound Care

Caring for wounds is more complex than just cleaning the skin and applying a bandage. Wound care is one of the most expensive complications of illness that may occur. Not only does the wound potentially cause pain or discomfort but scarring may also result. The occurrence of infection can cause life-threatening complications as well. The treatment of wounds requires many hours of care and many supplies. Progress has been made in recent years to improve wound treatment thus reducing healing time, the occurrence of infection, and the frequency of dressing changes. Understanding various types of wounds and the specific treatment options now available requires specialized training which our wound care nurses Roberta Futrell, RN, WCC and Sheila Groves, RN, WCC have received.

Certified Wound Care Specialists

Our Certified Wound Care Specialists provide an assessment of patients’ overall health including nutrition, mobility, medications, and skin condition. Any indication of infection, the size, location of the wound and contributing factors will be observed. The treatment options appropriate for the patient will then be discussed with the physician and a plan of care completed. They will then oversee the treatment of the wound, provide education to improve nutrition, decrease risk of infection, and improve mobility or position changes to reduce pressure to the skin

Types of Wounds

  • Arterial Ulcers
  • Venous Stasis Ulcers
  • Diabetic Ulcers
  • Pressure Ulcers
  • Surgical Wounds
  • Traumatic Wounds
  • Complicated Wounds

Consultation Available

  • Wound Management
  • Ostomy Management
  • Wound Vacs
  • Specialized Skin Care
  • Specialized Dressing Changes

Grief Support

Avita Home Health & Hospice provides counseling and grief support services through a myriad of programs designed to help give understanding and support throughout the grieving process after the death of a loved one. There are no charges for bereavement services.

Healing Journey

Healing Journey is a series of educational sessions designed to help individuals to grow through their grief. The goal of this group is to assist adults in understanding and coping with their grief and moving towards resolution and reinvestment in life.

Rays of Hope

Rays of Hope is our on-going support group, which provides continued hope for persons who are farther along in their healing journey toward recovery.

Lunch with friends

Lunch with Friends is a monthly social gathering for individuals who have experienced grief, which rotates between restaurants in Bucyrus and Galion. Not only do they enjoy lunch but keep in touch with friends they have made through our organization.

Memorial Services

Once in the spring and once in the fall our Social Service Department organizes a Memorial Service to honor the lives of patients and others who have died. WE would like to share this special event with you and encourage your family and friends to attend and participate in our ceremony. A “Remembering Table” displays pictures or special items to celebrate the memory of your loved one.

Memorial Quilt

In late summer or early fall we have a picnic for families that would like to celebrate the life of their loved one. We have activities and entertainment for all ages. At the close of the day we release balloons in memory of our loved ones.

Children’s Grief Camp

Our program, Journey, is designed to help children grieve in a healthy, safe and very creative way to promote reassurance and healing. The camp is for children ages 5-12 and is free to any child wishing to attend. We will be talking and sharing about the various emotions that children may encounter on their journey through the grief experience, for example, shock, fear, sorrow and anger to name a few. There will be exciting and constructive games and activities, including woodworking, music, and art. Sessions are planned, not only to entertain, but to reinforce the themes for discussion each day.

How Can We Pray

As part of our bereavement services, Rick Utt, Jr. and his prayer team are available to use the power of prayer to help aid anyone who has an issue they would like addressed with a higher power

Simply fill out the form below with your intention and your request will be emailed to Rick Utt, Jr. directly.

It’s an anonymous process. Avita Home Health & Hospice does not collect your email address, internet location or any other information. This is perfect for those who feel one’s faith should be kept private to the individual or who may not be able to express themselves during the troubling times they are experiencing. The only thing we ask is to please give Rick an idea if it’s a person, place or situation his team is praying about.

Request a Prayer

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